Говорим на английском | Тема: искусство разговора (art of conversation) | Уровень Intermediate

Сегодня мы говорим о разговоре (conversation) на английском языке. Аудиоверсия выпуска доступна в наших подкастах на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Текст к видео доступен в формате PDF по ссылке выше. Подписывайтесь на наш канал и делитесь с друзьями!

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О разговоре на английском

(1) Are you good at small talk and making conversation? — Умеете ли вы вести светскую беседу и вести разговор?

I like having small talks with people. I think I am good at making conversation, but it pretty much depends on the topic. 

(2) When was the last time you had a really, really interesting conversation? — Когда в последний раз у вас был по-настоящему интересный разговор?

I had a really interesting conversation a few weeks ago! We talked about transportation in English!

(3) Do you like intelligent conversation? — Вам нравится интеллектуальный разговор?

I like intelligent conversation if it’s not too difficult. It’s always interesting to talk to intelligent people.

(4) What do you think of your English conversation classes? — Что вы думаете о ваших уроках разговорного английского?

I don’t study English with a teacher now. But I think that a good teacher knows how to make classes effective.

(5) How do you feel when people interrupt you in the middle of an important conversation? — Что вы чувствуете, когда вас перебивают посреди важного разговора?

I think no one likes it. And it’s not polite to interrupt people. So I don’t like when someone interrupts me.

(6) If you were a fly on the wall, which conversation in history would you like to listen to? — Если бы вы были мухой на стене, какую беседу из истории вы бы хотели послушать?

It’s a good question, but a difficult one. I think it would be interesting to listen to a conversation between countries’ leaders. 

(7) What do you do when you hear your name pop up in other people’s conversations? — Что вы делаете, когда слышите, как ваше имя всплывает в чужих разговорах?

I try to listen to what people talk about. If it’s something about me, I prefer to join a conversation. 

(8) Are you OK at everyday conversation in English? — Ваш английский хорош для повседневного разговора?

Yes I am. I think I can discuss most everyday topics in English. And our YouTube channel is a good practice for me!

(9) Someone once said: «Conversation is an exercise of the mind; gossip is merely an exercise of the tongue.» What does this mean? Do you agree? Кто-то однажды сказал: «Разговор — это упражнение для ума, сплетни — это просто упражнение для языка». Что это значит? Ты согласна?

Yes I do agree! Gossip is mostly useless for the mind, but it’s much easier than a real conversation. That’s why people like it!

(10) Robert C. Gallagher   said: «Anyone who thinks the art of conversation is dead ought to tell a child to go to bed.» What does this mean? Do you agree? — Роберт С. Галлахер сказал: «Любой, кто думает, что искусство разговора умерло, должен сказать ребенку, чтобы он ложился спать». Что это значит? Ты согласна?

It means that the art of conversation is still important. Even for such a small thing like telling a child to go to bed!

Anya —-> Rinat

(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘conversation’? — Что вам приходит на ум, когда вы слышите слово «беседа»?

I think about communication between people. Conversation is an essential part of our life. No matter where we live or where we come from. 

(2) People say conversation is an art. Do you think so? — Люди говорят, что разговор — это искусство. Ты так думаешь?

Yes indeed. It’s not easy to be a good speaker. Not everyone can do this. Conversation is a real art! That’s for sure!

(3) What topics of conversation do you enjoy most? — Какие темы для разговора вам нравятся больше всего?

I like talking about space and human beings. I would love to know if there is anybody on other planets and galaxies. It’s so interesting!

(4) Do you like listening to other people’s conversations? — Вам нравится слушать чужие разговоры?

Sometimes. I think everybody likes listening to other people’s conversations. People are so curious!

(5) Have you ever overheard a conversation you wish you hadn’t? — Вы когда-нибудь слышали разговор, который вам не хотелось бы слышать?

I can’t remember anything like that. I think I have never heard such a conversation.

(6) Who in life do you find it difficult to strike up a conversation with? — С кем в жизни вам трудно завязать разговор?

I have some fellows that are really difficult to talk with. But I always try to listen to people and not to quarrel with them. We all are different. We have different thoughts and opinions. It’s a normal thing.

(7) What common conversation starters do you use? — Какие общие начала разговора вы используете?

I don’t know. It depends on the situation. I think that the most common conversation starter is asking “How are you?”.

(8) How long are your phone conversations? — Как долго длятся ваши телефонные разговоры?

I don’t like talking on the phone too long. I prefer to have real conversations with people. 

(9) Oscar Wilde said: «Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.» What does this mean? Do you agree with him? — Оскар Уайльд сказал: «Разговор о погоде — последнее прибежище лишенного воображения». Что это значит? Ты с ним согласен?

I think it’s partly true. People usually talk about the weather if they don’t know what to talk about. But I wouldn’t judge them for that.

(10) A Chinese proverb says: «A single conversation across the table with a wise person is worth a month’s study of books.» Do you agree? — Китайская пословица гласит: «Одна беседа за столом с мудрым человеком стоит месяца изучения книг». Ты согласен?

Yeah, I agree. It’s always good and useful to have a conversation with a wise person. It’s a smart proverb!

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