О Китае на английском языке! (Уровень Intermediate)

о китае на английском

Сегодня мы говорим о Китае (China) на английском языке. Подписывайтесь на наши подкасты в Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Текст к диалогу доступен в формате PDF по ссылке в описании. Мы будем рады ответить на все ваши вопросы в комментариях. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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О Китае на английском языке

Сегодня мы говорим о Китае (China) на английском языке.

(1) How do you feel about China? — Как вы относитесь к Китаю?

It’s a very interesting question. I’ve never thought about it before. I feel good about China. 

(2) What do you think China is most famous for? — Как вы думаете, чем знаменит Китай больше всего?

China is the most famous for the Great Wall of China.

(3) Would you like to go to China? — Хотите поехать в Китай?

Yes, I would. It would be a great idea. But when I have an opportunity I will go to Italy first.

(4) What do you think of products with the “Made in China” label? — Что вы думаете о продуктах с этикеткой «Сделано в Китае»?

Now most of the products are made in China. It’s not a surprise, but the quality of products can be different, so it depends.

(5) Do you think China will become the strongest country in the world? — Как вы думаете, станет ли Китай самой сильной страной в мире?

Yes, I do and I hope that our country will be the same.

(6) Does the power of China make you worried in any way? — Вас как-то беспокоит сила Китая?

I don’t think so. Russia is friendly with China and I hope that our friendship will bring great results.

(7) What do you most admire about China? — Что вам больше всего нравится в Китае?

I admire Jackie Chan. He is one of my favourite actors and I think he is a good guy in real life!

(8) What do you consider to be China’s biggest problems? — Что вы считаете самыми большими проблемами Китая?

Ecological problems and overpopulation are the biggest problems I think.

(9) Do you think that one day the world will be learning Chinese rather than English? — Вы думаете, что однажды мир будет изучать китайский, а не английский?

I don’t think so. English remains the most popular language. That’s for sure!

(10) What are relations like between China and your country? — Каковы отношения между Китаем и вашей страной?

I think our relations are good. As far as I know we don’t have big problems with China.

Anya —-> Rinat

(1) Do you like Chinese food? — Вам нравится китайская еда?

I like asian food. I am not sure if I ever tried Chinese food or not. But I think it’s similar to Thai or Vietnamese food. A lot of spices and a wonderful rise. 

(2) How is China perceived by the media in your country? — Как СМИ вашей страны воспринимают Китай?

China is perceived in a good way by the Russian media. Like any kind of propaganda, they try to show that China is our friend. I don’t think that it’s true.

(3) What do you know about China’s leaders and politics? — Что вы знаете о лидерах и политике Китая?

Not much. I know that it’s a communist country and Mr. Xi Jinping has been the leader for almost ten years already. 

(4) What is your image of life in China? — Как вы представляете себе жизнь в Китае?

I think it’s hectic and loud. Very unusual for European people. 

(5) What springs to mind when you hear the country China? — Что приходит на ум, когда вы слышите страну Китай?

Now China is associated with the Coronavirus of course. I also think about Chinese goods that are getting better and better each year. I respect China, they have developed dramatically in the past 30 years.

(6) What aspects of Chinese culture are there in your country? — Какие аспекты китайской культуры присутствуют в вашей стране?

I don’t think that we have any aspects of Chinese culture in our country.

(7) Do you think China should get more involved in resolving problems in the world’s trouble spots? — Считаете ли вы, что Китаю следует более активно участвовать в решении проблем в горячих точках мира?

No, I don’t think so. China is too far from the world’s trouble spots. They are not interested in it. At least for now.

(8) What can other countries learn from China? — Чему другие страны могут научиться у Китая?

China has set a great example of how to build a strong economy. 30 years ago it was a weak country with about 800 million people living below the poverty line. Now they make perfect cars, fly to space and live much better. I am sure they still have a lot of internal problems, but anyway they succeeded a lot. 

(9) What are your views on China and its politics towards Tibet and Taiwan? — Как вы относитесь к Китаю и его политике в отношении Тибета и Тайваня?

I know nothing about it. Maybe our Chinese listeners can share something with us.

(10) What do you know about China’s history? — Что вы знаете об истории Китая?

Not much. In 1911 they had a revolution. China has been a socialist country for more than 100 years now. 

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