О людях на английском языке (B1-B2 Диалог)

О людях на английском

В этом диалоге мы говорим о людях (people) на английском языке. Текст к видео можно скачать в формате PDF по ссылке в описании. Для удобства можно включить субтитры в настройках YouTube. Мы будем вам очень благодарны, если поставите лайк! Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

PDF к видео: https://t.me/englishwithrinat/246

Или тут: https://enjoyenglish-blog.com/ewr/ewr26.pdf

Наш инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/englishwithrinat/

Аудиоверсия: http://englishwithrinatpod.ru/podcast/b1-dialog-26-talking-about-people-in-english/

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О людях на английском языке (B1-B2 Диалог)

(1) Are people strange? — Люди странные?

Yes they are strange indeed.  

(2) What’s the worst thing about people? — Что самое плохое в людях?

We can’t live in peace. How many wars did we make? How many people died in these wars. That’s terrible.

(3) What are people best at? — Что у людей получается лучше всего?

We can create really wonderful things in arts, music, technologies, science. People are the best at many different fields. 

(4) Why do people dislike each other so much? — Почему люди так не любят друг друга?

That’s a good question. I read the book “The clash of civilizations” by Samuel Hantington. In his book he is trying to find the answer to this question. So I recommend it to everyone. Shortly to say, we are different and just can’t exist in peace. 

(5) Do people ever confuse you with other people? — Люди когда-нибудь путают вас с другими людьми?

No, they don’t. I am not similar to anybody. 

(6) Do guns kill people or do people kill people? — Оружие убивает людей или люди убивают людей?

I think people kill people. Guns are only a tool, which was made by people by the way. As I said, we are strange.

(7) What kind of people do you like best? — Какие люди тебе нравятся больше всего?

I like polite people that are interesting to talk with. 

(8) What kind of people do you get fed up with? — Какие люди вам надоели?

I am fed up with empty people that do nothing useful for this world. There are so many of them on YouTube. I also don’t like boasters and arrogant people. 

(9) What different kinds of groups of people can you think of? — Какие группы людей вы можете себе представить?

Men-women, black-white, smart-dumb, rich-poor and so on.

(10) When can we use ‘persons’ instead of ‘people’ in English? — Когда мы можем использовать «persons» вместо «people» в английском языке?

It depends on the situation. People is a more general word. Persons are people with some personal features. For example:

Those salesmen from the supermarket are such good persons. I like them.

Rinat —->Anya

(1) What are ordinary people? Do ordinary people vary from country to country? — Что такое обычные люди? Различаются ли обычные люди от страны к стране?

Ordinary means plain and common people. Yes they vary from country to country of course. Mentality is different. 

(2) Are you a morning person? — Вы жаворонок?

No, I don’t like getting up too early. It’s difficult for me.

(3) Do you believe what people tell you? — Вы верите в то, что вам говорят?

I used to believe what people told me, but now I’m getting more and more careful. Maybe it’s because of age. I don’t know. 

(4) What can we do to protect indigenous people around the world? — Что мы можем сделать для защиты коренных народов во всем мире?

Stop killing each other. To be honest, I’m very disappointed in people. I think that we will destroy each other one day. 

(5) Do you like reading about famous people? — Вы любите читать об известных людях?

Sometimes. It depends on what they do. I don’t like gossips and yellow presses. It’s better to follow some person you like on social networks. Now it’s very convenient. 

(6) Are you a people person? — Вы душа компании?

I don’t know really. I think people need time to get used to me. I can’t say that I am a people person.   

(7) What do you think of Internet sites that help you find people? — Что вы думаете об Интернет-сайтах, которые помогают вам находить людей?

I think it’s a good way to stay in touch with people you know. Also some websites help people to find their partner. I think it’s not bad.

(8) Which people are best? — Какие люди лучшие?

Our mothers.

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