Об английском языке (B1-B2 диалог)

Об английском языке

В этом видео мы говорим об английском языке (about English). Уровень диалога В1-В2. Вы можете скачать текст к видео по ссылке выше. Или включить субтитры в настройках YouTube. Мы будем очень благодарны, если поставите лайк и подпишитесь на наш канал!

PDF к видео: https://enjoyenglish-blog.com/ewr/ewr31.pdf

Наш Телеграм: https://t.me/englishwithrinat/272

Наш Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/englishwithrinat/

Аудиоверсия: http://englishwithrinatpod.ru/podcast/b1-dialog-31-talking-about-english/

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Об английском языке

(1) What images are in your mind when you hear the word ‘English’? — Какие образы возникают у вас в голове, когда вы слышите слово «английский»?

I think about the English language of course. 

(2) Why are you studying English? — Почему ты изучаешь английский?

English is the most popular language in the World. More than 1 billion people speak English nowadays. So it’s pretty important to know it. I use it at work a lot. 

(3) What adjectives describe your feelings about English? — Какие прилагательные описывают ваше отношение к английскому языку?

English is useful and convenient.

(4) How much time and money have you spent on English? — Сколько времени и денег вы потратили на английский?

Pretty much I think. I studied English at school and university. After that I studied with a native speaker a lot. 

(5) How happy are you with your English level? — Насколько вы довольны своим уровнем английского?

I think my English is OK. I can discuss the most common topics and communicate with other people when I need it. So I’m pretty happy with my level of English.

(6) Has English improved your life? — Английский язык улучшил вашу жизнь?

I can’t say that English has dramatically improved my life. But it helped me to get a good job and to feel more confident when I was abroad. English is important. That’s for sure.

(7) Do you wish you didn’t have to study English? — Вы хотите, чтобы вам не приходилось изучать английский язык?

No I don’t. I like English and really enjoy studying.

(8) What is your best piece of advice to study English? — Какой ваш лучший совет по изучению английского языка?

Find a good teacher and never be afraid to speak English. And work with our dialogs of course!

(9) Have all of your English teachers been good? — Все ли ваши учителя английского были хорошими?

Not all of them of course. But I’m always saying that a teacher is only 40% of success. Another 60% is a responsibility of a student. 

(10) How would your life be different without English? — Как бы изменилась ваша жизнь без английского?

I’d never be able to make a video like this and to start my YouTube channel. 

Rinat ——> Anya

(1) Why is English so important? — Почему английский так важен?

As you said there are a lot of people speaking English all over the world. It’s an international language for everyone. 

(2) What are the things you like most and least about English? — Что вам больше всего и меньше всего нравится в английском языке?

The structure of English is not so difficult. I like it the most. Pronunciation I like the least, because some words are really hard, at least for russian people. 

(3) Do you think English is more or less difficult than your language? — Как вы думаете, английский более или менее сложен, чем ваш язык?

It’s easier than Russian. That’s for sure.

(4) What is your favourite word in English, and why? — Какое ваше любимое слово в английском языке и почему?

I like the word “awesome”, because life is awesome.

(5) What’s more important: speaking, reading, writing or listening? — Что важнее: говорить, читать, писать или слушать?

Speaking is most important of course. But anyway people should practice all these together when learning English. 

(6) How important is English for you in your job or future? — Насколько важен английский для вас на работе или в будущем?

I don’t use English at work so much, but I like traveling a lot. English helps me not to get lost in a foreign country. And who knows, maybe I will need it in the future. So yeah, English is important for me. 

(7) What did you think of English at school? — Что вы думали об английском в школе?

It was a plain school subject for me. Not more. To be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to English at that time.

(8) Do you worry about making mistakes in English? — Вы беспокоитесь о том, что ошибетесь в английском?

Yes I do, but there is no other way to get better in speaking. So I’m trying not to worry too much about mistakes I make. After all, even native speakers make mistakes sometimes.

(9) What do you think of English grammar and spelling? — Что вы думаете о грамматике и правописании английского языка?

I think it’s important, but people shouldn’t focus on grammar too much. 

(10) How would your life change if you were fluent in English? — Как бы изменилась ваша жизнь, если бы вы свободно говорили по-английски?

I would be more confident, I think. And I would make friends all over the world.

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