When did you first? (B1-B2 Диалог на английском)

when did you first

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When did you first? (B1-B2 Диалог на английском)

  1. When did you first use the Internet? How was it? — Когда вы впервые воспользовались Интернетом? Каково это было?

I used the Internet for the first time when I was at school. I was 15 years old I think. Back in the days, the Internet was pretty expensive. So a library was more popular.

  1. When did you first go to the cinema? What did you see? — Когда вы впервые пошли в кино? Что вы смотрели?

I went to the cinema when I was a student and we saw some comedy about Brides.

  1. When did you first use a mobile phone? Who did you call? — Когда вы впервые воспользовались мобильным телефоном? Кому вы звонили?

My mother bought me a mobile phone when I was 14. She wanted me to be in touch with her and relatives. 

  1. When did you first think life was great? What happened? — Когда вы впервые подумали, что жизнь прекрасна? Что произошло?

I have always been a cheerful person.Of course I had and have bad days sometimes, but I know that better days will come. I really enjoy my life and value it. I think when we get older, we understand it better. 

  1. When did you first travel alone? Where did you go? — Когда вы впервые путешествовали в одиночку? Куда вы ездили?

I have never travelled alone to other countries and cities. But I think it will be a good experience for me. I would try one day.

  1. When did you first have some real money? How did you feel? — Когда у вас впервые появились настоящие деньги? Как ты себя чувствовала?

When I was at the first course of university I worked as a shop assistant. I had some real money and I felt independent.

  1. When did you first think the world was a dangerous place? — Когда вы впервые подумали, что мир опасен?

My mother told me about that all the time especially when I started going to other places alone. At that time I understood that I should be carefull.

  1. When did you first smoke / drink alcohol? — Когда вы впервые курили / употребляли алкоголь?

I have never smoked. I tried alcohol when I was a student.

  1.  When did you first fly? What was it like? — Когда вы впервые полетели? На что это было похоже?

My first fly was to Thailand. It was awesome but I was a little bit scared.

  1.  When did you first buy someone a present? — Когда вы впервые купили кому-нибудь подарок?

I was a pupil and I had some pocket money so I bought a present for my mother.

Rinat ——> Anya

  1. When did you first fall in love with someone or something? — Когда вы впервые влюбились в кого-то или что-то?

I was a kid in a kindergarten. I really liked one girl. I am not sure if that was love or not, but I still remember that feeling. 

  1. When did you first study English? Did you like it? — Когда вы впервые учили английский? Тебе понравилось?

I started learning English at school. I didn’t like it at that time. After school I learnt it in university again and enjoyed it a lot.  

  1. When did you first buy something expensive? Do you still have it? — Когда вы впервые купили что-то дорогое? Оно у тебя еще есть?

I think it was a cellphone. I bought it when I started working about 12 years ago. No, I don’t have it already.

  1. When did you first meet your best friend? Was it instant friendship? — Когда вы впервые встретили своего лучшего друга? Была ли это мгновенная дружба?

That’s a funny story. I was 8 when I first met my best friend and our friendship started from fighting. I don’t remember the reason, but after that we became friends.

  1. When did you first hear your favourite song? — Когда вы впервые услышали свою любимую песню?

To be honest, I don’t remember. I can’t even say what my favorite song is.

  1. When did you first earn some money? Was it worth it? — Когда вы впервые заработали деньги? Это того стоило?

I used to work as a loader when I was at school. It was a hard job, but I earned some money. It was worth it. 

  1. When did you first decide on your own hairstyle? Did it look fantastic? — Когда вы впервые решили сделать свою прическу? Это выглядело фантастически?

Not really. It didn’t look fantastic. It was about 15 years ago when I first decided on my own hairstyle. It looked funny.

  1. When did you first fail or did poorly in an exam? — Когда вы впервые провалили или плохо сдали экзамен?

When I was in my first year of university. I didn’t study well at that time. 

  1. When did you first regret doing something? Do you still regret it? — Когда вы впервые пожалели о чем-то? Вы все еще жалеете об этом?

I usually don’t regret anything I do. What is done is done. I forget about it and keep living. 

  1.  When did you first remember feeling real pain? What happened? — Когда вы впервые почувствовали настоящую боль? Что произошло?

It was in childhood. I jumped and twisted my leg. It was a real pain I still remember about. It took a few days to start walking normally again. 

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