Сегодня мы говорим о страхе (fear) на английском языке. Текст к видео доступен в формате PDF по ссылке выше. Вы можете прослушать аудиоверсию разговора о страхе, если подпишитесь на наши подкасты в Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Будем рады вашим мыслям в комментариях. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!
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О страхе на английском языке
(1) What is your biggest fear for yourself? — Чего вы больше всего боитесь?
I’m afraid of heights. It’s called acrophobia.
(2) What is your biggest fear for the world? — Какой ваш самый большой страх за мир?
I’m afraid of the Third world war and of some big disaster like Tsunami or earthquakes.
(3) Why do we feel fear? — Почему мы чувствуем страх?
Because fear is a protective function of our body! It’s normal to feel fear sometimes.
(4) How often do you feel afraid? — Как часто вы боитесь?
Not so often. Most of the time I feel safe.
(5) Why do people have different fears? — Почему у людей разные страхи?
Because people are different and they have different life experiences.
(6) How do you react to fear? — Как вы реагируете на страх?
It depends on what kind of fear it is. I’m afraid of heights and that is why I would never go skydiving.
(7) How would you help someone to get over their fear? — Как бы вы помогли кому-то преодолеть страх?
At first I would recommend stop provoking fears. If it doesn’t help, it’s better to visit a psychologist.
(8) Have you ever panicked with fear? — Вы когда-нибудь паниковали от страха?
I think I haven’t.
(9) What happens to you physically and emotionally when fear takes hold of you / overcomes you? — Что происходит с вами физически и эмоционально, когда страх овладевает вами?
My heart beats very fast. I feel it in my throat. It’s not a nice feeling.
Rinat —-> Anya
(1) Do you have any form of phobia or paranoia? — Есть ли у вас какие-либо формы фобии или паранойи?
I have some about driving. For example, I’m really afraid of a car accident when I’d hurt someone. So I am always trying to drive safely.
(2) What were you afraid of as a child? — Чего вы боялись в детстве?
I used to be afraid of staying alone, when my parents went somewhere for a long time.
(3) What things are people commonly afraid of and why? — Чего люди обычно боятся и почему?
I think many people are afraid of snakes and other dangerous animals. I also know many people that are afraid of the dark. I think it’s quite common for people.
(4) What facial expressions accompany fear? — Какие выражения лица сопровождают страх?
Big eyes and open mouth I think. If it’s a strong fear, many people get pale.
(5) Do you like putting yourself in situations where you can feel fear? — Вам нравится попадать в ситуации, когда вы чувствуете страх?
No I don’t. I think nobody likes situations like that.
(6) Are you ever afraid of other people? — Вы когда-нибудь боитесь других людей?
When I was a kid, I was afraid of strangers. Especially when they started talking to me. Now I am not afraid of other people.
(7) Do you think society lives in fear? — Как вы думаете, общество живет в страхе?
No, I don’t think so. We live in a good time and I hope we will never live in fear.
(8) “The fear of death is to be dreaded more than death itself.” What do you think about this quotation? — «Страх смерти следует бояться больше, чем самой смерти». Что вы думаете об этой цитате?
I think that sometimes people worry too much about death. As a result, they can’t focus on something that is more important at the moment.
(9) What do you think having a fear of the 21st century would be like? — Как вы думаете, на что будет похож страх 21 века?
I think the biggest fear of 21 century is the fear of a new big war.