Про словарный запас на английском языке (B1-B2 English)

словарный запас на английском

Сегодня мы говорим о словарном запасе (vocabulary) на английском языке. На сколько он важен при изучении иностранного языка? Текст к диалогу доступен в формате PDF по ссылке выше. Подписывайтесь на наши подкасты на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Будем рады вашим комментариям и лайкам!

PDF к видео: https://enjoyenglish-blog.com/ewr/ewr51.pdf

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Аудиоверсия: http://englishwithrinatpod.ru/podcast/b1-dialog-51-talking-about-vocabulary/

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Про словарный запас на английском

(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘vocabulary’? — Что приходит в голову, когда вы слышите слово «словарный запас»?

I think about words and phrases that we use in a conversation. It’s not only about English of course. Vocabulary is important for any language.

(2) How important do you think vocabulary is? — Как вы думаете, насколько важен словарный запас?

If we don’t know any words and phrases, we can’t speak. So vocabulary is important. 

(3) Is your teacher good at teaching vocabulary? — Ваш учитель хорошо учит словарному запасу?

I had many different teachers. Some of them were good, some of them were bad. They were different. 

(4) What problems do you have with vocabulary? — Какие у вас возникают проблемы со словарным запасом?

The biggest problem with vocabulary is to remember new words and phrases. It takes time. We all are humans. We can’t remember new information instantly. Our brain doesn’t work like this.

(5) What advice do you have for students learning vocabulary? — Какой совет вы дадите студентам, изучающим словарный запас?

Write down everything you hear and read in English. Writing is a powerful way to remember new vocabulary. When you see or hear a good phrase, just write it down.

Try to revise new words and phrases from time to time. 

Try to speak English as much as you can. When you speak a lot, you improve your active vocabulary, which is very important. 

Please watch my video about learning vocabulary. You will find a lot of useful information there.

(6) What word makes you proud of your vocabulary? — Какое слово заставляет вас гордиться своим словарным запасом?

I don’t know. There are a lot of good words in English. I can’t choose only one.

(7) What’s the best way to broaden your vocabulary? — Как лучше всего расширить свой словарный запас?

The best way to broaden your vocabulary is working with our dialogs on a constant basis! 😊

(8) What’s the best way to study for a vocabulary test? — Как лучше всего подготовиться к тесту на словарный запас?

Tests are different. But if you want to study for it, you need to work more with other tests like this. I think it’s the best way to get prepared for any test.

(9) How important is slang in vocabulary learning? — Насколько важен сленг в изучении словарного запаса?

It’s important if your English is already good enough and you want to sound more like a native. If you just start learning English, you don’t need to learn a lot of slang. It’s not so important in the beginning.

(10) What book can you recommend to help others learn vocabulary? — Какую книгу вы можете порекомендовать, чтобы помочь другим выучить словарный запас?

Just read one page of a new book. If you understand 80% of it and see the whole sense of what you have read, it’s a good book for you. I would recommend books from Oxford Bookworms Library. They make wonderful books, divided by different levels.

You will find the link in PDF.

Rinat ——> Anya

(1) What’s more important, grammar or vocabulary? — Что важнее, грамматика или словарный запас?

In order to speak confidently and not to make many mistakes we should learn both. So both are important.

(2) Do you like studying vocabulary? — Тебе нравится изучать словарный запас?

Yes, of course. It makes my speech much more interesting and rich.

(3) Do you have an impressive knowledge of vocabulary in your own language? — У вас впечатляющий словарный запас на вашем родном языке?

I hope so. Reading helps people to broaden their vocabulary. I like to read a lot. 

(4) What’s the hardest thing about learning English vocabulary? — Что самое сложное в изучении словарного запаса английского языка?

To remember new words and not to forget them after a few days.

(5) Are there words in English you still keep forgetting? — Есть ли слова в английском, которые вы все еще забываете?

Yes,of course. But it’s OK. I know that I will remember them one day. 

(6) Do you separate your vocabulary lists into words, idioms, phrasal verbs, etc? — Вы разделяете свой словарный запас на слова, идиомы, фразовые глаголы и т. д.?

No, I don’t. Maybe I should. Do you think it’s a good idea?

(7) What do you know about the ‘bad’ words in the English vocabulary? — Что вы знаете о «плохих» словах в английском?

Not so much. Only two of them I think. I don’t need them.

(8) What do you think of English words becoming part of the vocabulary of your own language? — Как вы относитесь к английским словам, которые становятся частью вашего родного языка?

It’s a normal process. We live in a big open world, make foreign friends and read news about other countries. I think our language is developing in this way.

(9) What’s the best website for learning vocabulary? — Какой лучший веб-сайт для изучения словарного запаса?

There are so many of them. I can’t say what website is the best.

(10) Are vocabulary games a good way to remember vocabulary? — Словарные игры — хороший способ запомнить словарный запас?

Yes, it’s a really good idea. Because we enjoy playing. And when we like something we usually do it better. 

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