B1 Диалог. О путешествиях на английском языке

о путешествии на английском

В этом диалоге мы говорим о путешествии (traveling) на английском языке. Уровень диалога B1-B2. Скачать текст к видео в формате PDF можно по ссылке выше. Прослушать аудио версию можно на странице наших подкастов в Yandex Music и iTunes. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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О путешествиях на английском языке

(1) Do you like travelling? — Тебе нравится путешествовать?

Yes, I do. Many people like travelling. Now it’s a little bit complicated, because of Corona. I wish we didn’t have such problems. 

(2) What is travel for you? — Что для вас путешествие?

It’s an important part of my life. Every trip is like a reboot for me. You know, I used to visit several countries during the year. Of course now it’s not so easy, but there are wonderful places in Russia I would like to visit. 

(3) What different kinds of travelling are there? — Какие существуют виды путешествий?

I’d say there are two of them. When you book a trip with a travel company and when you buy tickets, look for accommodation and so on by yourself.

(4) What’s the best place you’ve ever been to? — Какое лучшее место, в котором вы когда-либо были?

I think it was the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan. It was a very peaceful place.

(5) Would you like to go travelling for a few years non-stop? — Хотели бы вы отправиться в путешествие без остановки на несколько лет?

Yes, I would. It’s one of my biggest desires. On the other hand I think it’s very hard to be away from parents and friends for such a long time. But I would definitely try.

(6) What are the good and bad things about travelling? — Что хорошего и плохого в путешествиях?

Meeting new cultures, people, traditions and food in foreign countries is amazing. I think each trip changes me to some extent. I feel that I grow up and educate myself. These are the good things. The bad thing is the cost of travelling of course. Lovely capitalism makes it more expensive every year. 

(7) Where do you want to travel to before you die? — Куда вы хотите отправиться, прежде чем умрете?

Australia. I’d like to live there at least for a month.

(8) Is it better to travel or to arrive? — Лучше уезжать или приезжать?

I like both. I like travelling but I like to come back home as well.

(9) Lin Yutang said: «No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.» Do you agree? — «Никто не осознает, как прекрасно путешествовать, пока он не придет домой и не положит голову на свою старую, знакомую подушку». Вы согласны?

Yes, I do. Sweet, sweet home

Anya ——> Rinat

(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘travel’? — Что приходит на ум, когда вы слышите слово «путешествие»?

I think about different countries and how interesting it is to travel around the world. 

(2) Are you a traveller? — Ты путешественник?

I don’t know. I like travelling and I’ve visited a lot of countries already, but I can’t say that I’m a big traveller. 

(3) Is travel an education? — Путешествие — это образование?

Yes it is. You find out new things about other countries and places, meet new people and learn more about their lifestyle.

(4) Would you like to travel in space or to the moon? — Хотели бы вы полететь в космос или на Луну?

I think everyone would love to travel in space. But I think it will not be possible in the next 50 years.

(5) Would you like to work in the travel industry? — Хотели бы вы работать в индустрии туризма?

Maybe, but not now of course. Travel industry is getting down nowadays. 

(6) Is travel helping the world? — Путешествие помогает миру?

It’s a big part of the economy for some countries. So yes, I think travels are useful for everybody and for the world too.

(7) What would make you wiser – travelling around the world for ten years or reading 10,000 books? — Что сделало бы вас мудрее — путешествовать по миру десять лет или прочитать 10 000 книг?

Both are good. I’d choose to read 10 000 books during traveling! 😀

(8) St. Augustine said: «The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.» What does this mean? Do you agree? — «Мир — это книга, и те, кто не путешествует, читают только страницу». Что это значит? Вы согласны?

Yeah, very smart words. The World is a book indeed. And if you want to read the whole story and new chapters of it, you should travel around the World. 

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