B1 диалог про Интернет на английском языке

про интеренет на английском

В этом видео мы говорим про интернет (Internet) на английском языке. Список вопросов закреплен в комментариях. Текст к видео можно скачать в формате PDF по ссылке в описании. Вы можете прослушать аудиоверсию диалога в iTunes и Yandex Music. Будем рады вашим комментариям и лайкам! Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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B1 диалог про Интернет на английском языке

(1) What is the Internet? — Что такое Интернет?

It’s a global net of computers, connected with each other. People can get all kinds of information from this net, using their laptops, phones and other gadgets. 

(2) What would the world be like without the Internet? — Каким был бы мир без Интернета?

Books and newspapers would be more popular. People would spend more time with their friends and families. Children would be more active and would spend more time outside. On the other hand, it would be difficult to contact other people quickly. All the processes would take much more time and our life would be more difficult. 

(3) Could you live without the Internet? — Вы могли бы жить без Интернета?

Yes I could. I remember myself in childhood, when the Internet wasn’t so popular yet. It was a good time. 

(4) Is the Internet dangerous? — Интернет опасен?

I think it is. Especially, when people use it in the wrong way. A lot of information is absolutely useless or even harmful for users of the Internet. 

(5) What kind of technology will replace the Internet? — Какие технологии заменят Интернет?

I don’t know. I think nothing can replace the Internet. At least in the next 20 years.

(6) What annoys you about the Internet? — Что вас раздражает в Интернете?

People get addicted to it. It’s not good.  

(7) Are you addicted to the Internet? — Вы зависимы от интернета?

Yes I am, but I’m always trying to find the balance and use the internet mostly for the best: education, work, communication and so on.

(8) What do you think of social networking sites like Facebook or Instagram? — Что вы думаете о таких социальных сетях, как Facebook или Instagram?

I think it’s good that such networks exist. They help us to be in touch with other people. On the other hand, there are a lot of bad things about social networks: addiction, bad content, huge amounts of useless information and so on. Some new ones are simply stuped. Tik-Tok for example. I can’t spend more than 5 seconds there. It’s such a strange app.  

(9) Can you remember the first time you used the Internet? — Можете ли вы вспомнить, когда вы впервые воспользовались Интернетом?

I think when I was 15 years old. The Internet came to Russia pretty late. In 2005 or something. 

Riant ——> Anya

(1) How does the Internet work? — Как работает интернет?

There are a lot of special servers all over the World. They transmit the information from one to another in help of sputniks and 3G technology. 

(2) How would your life be different without the Internet? — Какой была бы ваша жизнь без Интернета?

I don’t know. I can’t imagine my life without the Internet now. Something would be better, something would be worse. As always.

(3) What do you use the Internet for? — Для чего вы используете Интернет?

Mostly for work of course. Sometimes for entertaining, sometimes for education.

(4) How has the Internet changed the world? — Как интернет изменил мир?

It has dramatically changed the world. World became more international. Life became faster.

(5) What’s the best thing about the Internet? — Что самое лучшее в Интернете?

People have any kind of information on their fingertips. 

(6) Could the Internet have a better name? — Может ли Интернет иметь лучшее название?

I think the Internet is the best name for it. It’s short and clear. 

(7) What does the Internet need more of? — Что еще нужно Интернету?

Some filtr of information I think. Nowadays there is too much useless information on the Internet.

(8) What is your favourite Internet site? — Какой твой любимы интернет сайт?

I like YouTube and our YouTube channel! I also like online shopping. It’s very convenient. 

(9) What do you think of the idea of Internet shopping or online dating? — Что вы думаете об интернет-покупках или онлайн-знакомствах?

I think it’s not bad. As I said I like online shopping. As for online dating, I have never used it.

(10) Do you think people will prefer to live their lives on the Internet instead of real life? — Как вы думаете, люди предпочтут жить в Интернете, а не в реальной жизни?

No, I don’t think so. People need real communication with others. The Internet can’t change this. 

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