Диалог о Европе на английском языке! (Уровень Intermediate)

диалог о европе на английском

Сегодня мы говорим о Европе (Europe) на английском языке. Текст к видео доступен в формате PDF по ссылке ниже. Прослушать аудиоверсию диалога можно в наших подкастах на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Улучшайте английский вместе с нами! Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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Диалог о Европе на английском

Сегодня мы говорим о Европе (Europe) на английском языке.

(1) What makes Europe so European? — Что делает Европу такой европейской?

History, architecture, religion and their philosophy. And the European Union (EU) of course!

(2) How are Europeans different from each other? — Чем европейцы отличаются друг от друга?

Europe includes 65 countries.That’s why Europeans are more or less different from each other. For example in appearance, religions, traditions, languages and so on.

(3) What do you know about the European Union? — Что вы знаете о Евросоюзе? 

Not much. The European Union was created in 1992 and includes 27 countries.

(4) What are your favourite European companies and why do you like them? — Какие европейские компании вам нравятся больше всего и почему они вам нравятся?

I like IKEA, because they make good furniture and have a lot of ideas for designs. 

(5) Do you think Europe has the world’s most interesting history? — Как вы думаете, у Европы самая интересная история в мире?

I don’t think so. The history of Europe is interesting of course. But I can’t say that it’s the most interesting. 

(6) Do you think English should be the official language of Europe? — Как вы думаете, английский должен быть официальным языком Европы?

English is a world language. I think it would be convenient.

(7) What are the differences between Europe and the USA? — В чем разница между Европой и США?

They have a different history, population, and number of states. The economy and social standards are also different.

(8) Do you think Europe is a superpower, or has the potential to become one? — Как вы думаете, Европа — сверхдержава или у нее есть потенциал стать таковой?

No, I don’t think so. And maybe it’s for the best.

(9) What is the most important European country? — Какая самая важная европейская страна?

Germany has the strongest economy and it’s quite a big country. So I think Germany is the most important.

(10) Movie producer Quentin Tarantino said the “funniest thing about Europe…is the little differences”. What do you think he means? — Кинопродюсер Квентин Тарантино сказал, что «самое смешное в Европе… это небольшие различия». Как вы думаете, что он имеет в виду?

I think he was comparing Europe with the USA. And some small differences in European lifestyle look funny for an american. 

Anya —-> Rinat

(1) Is Europe great? — Европа великая?

Yeah I think so. Europe is old and it had a lot of different things in the past. Not all of them were great of course, but in general Europe has given a lot to the World. 

(2) How are Europeans different from people from other continents? — Чем европейцы отличаются от людей с других континентов?

It depends. The main difference is a language in comparison with Asia or Russia for example. 

(3) What does it mean to be European? — Что значит быть европейцем?

It means to be a citizen of some European country that belongs to the European Union. 

(4) Is Europe really a continent – it isn’t surrounded by water? — Действительно ли Европа — это континент — он не окружен водой?

Europe is considered to be a separate continent from Asia because of its distinct historical, cultural, and political identity.

(5) Is Russia a part of Europe? What do you think? — Россия это часть Европы? Как ты считаешь?

The European part of Russia has definitely some things in common with Europe. But in general Russia is not a part of Europe of course. Russia is a country with a different language, history and culture. 

(6) Do you think there is a European culture? — Как вы думаете, есть европейская культура?

Yes, of course. The culture of Europe is rooted in its art, architecture, film, different types of music, literature and so on. There is so-called «common cultural heritage» in Europe.

(7) What countries do you think have the strongest competition in Europe? — Как вы думаете, какие страны имеют самое сильное соперничество в Европе?

In the past Germany and France competed a lot. Now I think the whole of Europe is quited united. 

(8) Former French leader Charles de Gaulle said “it is the whole of Europe that will decide the fate of the world”. What do you think? — Бывший французский лидер Шарль де Голль сказал, что «вся Европа будет решать судьбу мира». Что вы думаете?

As far as I know Charles de Gaulle believed in having independent and strong Europe. I don’t think he was right. Countries with nuclear weapons will decide the fate of the world. Not Europe. 

(9) What does Europe do better than the rest of the world? — Что Европа делает лучше, чем остальной мир?

Europe is trading successfully with others. It still has a strong economy and produces a lot of things. 

(10) How do you think Europe will do in the next 100 years? — Как вы думаете, каковы будут дела в Европе в следующие 100 лет?

I am quite pessimistic about that. I think Europe will not play a big role in the world. Asia will be getting stronger and stronger. 

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