Do men or women complain more? | Английский для начинающих

Сегодня мы поговорим о жалобах (complaining) на английском языке. Как всегда, вы можете прочитать текст в PDF, который вы найдете в описании. Следите за нашими подкастами в iTunes и Яндекс Музыке. Для новых диалогов подписывайтесь на наш канал.

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Про жалобы (complaining) на английском языке

(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘complain’? — Что приходит вам на ум, когда вы слышите слово «жаловаться»?

When people don’t like something they start complaining about it. Depending on the situation it may or may not be helpful. 

(2) Are you a complainer? — Вы жалуетесь на жизнь?

I think I am not. At least nobody calls me a complainer.

(3) Who do you usually complain to? — Кому вы обычно жалуетесь?

I usually complain to my closest people, like you or my mother. I know that you will always listen to me and understand.

(4) What complaints do you have at the moment? — Какие жалобы у вас есть на данный момент?

I have no complaints at the moment. 

(5) Have you ever complained in a restaurant, hotel, airplane or train? — Вы когда-нибудь жаловались в ресторане, гостинице, самолете или поезде?

Maybe once or twice. I don’t like complaining in such places. It’s quite stressful to me.

(6) How often do people complain to you? — Как часто люди жалуются вам?

Not often. I don’t like when people complain a lot. It makes me feel bad.

(7) How often do people complain about you? — Как часто люди жалуются на вас?

Never! 😀 I am quite loyal and never give anyone a reason to complain about me.

(8) Do you have any complaints about English? — Есть ли у вас жалобы на английский язык?

Some English words are so hard to pronounce! Sometimes it’s annoying. 

(9) What are your biggest complaints about your friends? — Какие ваши самые большие претензии к друзьям?

Some of my friends do like complaining. I wish they stopped doing this and just enjoyed life.

(10) Do men or women complain more? — Кто больше жалуется — мужчины или женщины?

I think that women complain more. Men are usually more reserved and calm. That’s why we like you!

Anya —> Rinat

(1) What kinds of things do you complain about? — На что вы жалуетесь?

About traffic jams! They really drive me crazy sometimes!

(2) When was the last time you complained about something? — Когда вы в последний раз жаловались на что-то?

I don’t know. Maybe recently about the weather.

(3) Have you ever written a letter or e-mail of complaint? — Вы когда-нибудь писали письмо или электронное письмо с жалобой?

Yes I have. Sometimes it helps! Especially when you try to get some government service.

(4) Do you like complaining? — Вам нравится жаловаться?

No, I don’t like complaining. I am always trying to be happy about my life and about things I have. A lot of people in the world can’t have it. Some of them can’t even get enough food. So I think I have nothing to complain about!

(5) What is your complaining style – polite or aggressive? — Каков ваш стиль подачи жалоб — вежливый или агрессивный?

If I complain, I usually do it alone with myself. It can be aggressive, but only when there are no people around. 

(6) How often do you complain in public? — Как часто вы жалуетесь прилюдно?

Almost never. As I said, complaining is quite a personal thing for me.

(7) Do you think complaining relieves stress? — Считаете ли вы, что жалобы снимают стресс?

Absolutely! It’s always better to talk to someone who can listen to you. Or you can talk to yourself as I do. 

(8) Do you like watching other people complain? — Вам нравится смотреть, как другие люди жалуются?

No I don’t. I think nobody likes it. But sometimes it depends on the situation and on the person who is complaining. 

(9) Have you ever got a better service after you’ve complained? — Получали ли вы когда-нибудь лучшее обслуживание после того, как пожаловались?

Yes I have. Sometimes it’s useful to make a complaint about some service in order to make it better.

(10) Why might people complain about you? — Почему люди могут жаловаться на вас?

I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t know anybody who would complain about me.

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