Говорим о Гарри Поттере на английском языке! (Уровень Intermediate)

Сегодня мы говорим о Гарри Поттере (Harry Potter) на английском языке. Уровень диалога Intermediate. Текст к видео доступен в формате PDF по ссылке ниже. Вы можете прослушать аудиоверсию выпуска в наших подкастах на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Подписывайтесь на наш канал, чтобы не пропускать новые видео!

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О Гарри Поттере на английском языке

(1) Are you into Harry Potter? — Вы увлекаетесь Гарри Поттером?

I’m not a big fan of Harry Potter, but I definitely like this story. I’ve read all the books and watched all parts of the movie.

(2) Do you think the Harry Potter series is a literary classic? — Считаете ли вы серию о Гарри Поттере литературной классикой?

No, I don’t think so. It’s not a literary classic yet. Maybe it will become a literary classic in the future. We will see.

(3) Have you read any of the Harry Potter books in English? — Вы читали какие-нибудь книги о Гарри Поттере на английском языке?

No, I haven’t. When I read these books I was a child and didn’t speak English very well. It was difficult for me. But now I think it would be a good idea.

(4) Are you surprised that the Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is the highest-earning novelist in history? —  Вы удивлены, что автор Гарри Поттера Дж.К. Роулинг — самая высокооплачиваемая писательница в истории?

I have never thought about it before. But I’m not surprised. It’s obvious. Harry Potter is one of the most widely read novels ever written. As I know Harry Potter has sold out about 500 million copies in the span of about 12 years!

(5) What would you do if you were a witch or wizard? — Что бы вы сделали, если бы были ведьмой или волшебником?

I would go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

(6) Religious groups say the Harry Potter books are dangerous as they promote witchcraft among children. What do you think of this? — Религиозные группы говорят, что книги о Гарри Поттере опасны, поскольку они пропагандируют колдовство среди детей. Что ты думаешь об этом?

I don’t think so. The magic in Harry Potter is not dangerous, because it’s a fairy tale as well as Cinderela, Snow White, The Lord of the Rings and others.

(7) Do you think J.K. Rowling should write an eighth Potter book? — Как вы думаете, Дж.К. Роулинг должна написать восьмую книгу о Поттере?

No, I don’t think so, because the whole story is over. The enemy is destroyed. Life is good. Children go to school and so on.

(8) What impact has Potter made in your country? — Какое влияние Поттер оказал на вашу страну?

I think it’s like in other countries. Potter has made a lot of fans among children and adults. We like watching Harry Potter on Christmas holidays. Only good impact, nothing bad.

(9) The Harry Potter books took 17 years to write. Can you imagine spending so long on a creative project? — Книги о Гарри Поттере писались 17 лет. Можете ли вы представить, что тратите столько времени на творческий проект?

If I really enjoy it and it brings me money, why not? 

(10) What questions would you like to ask J.K. Rowling, the Harry Potter creator? — Какие вопросы вы хотели бы задать Дж.К. Роулинг, создательница Гарри Поттера?

I would ask: “Have you ever thought that Daniel Radklief, the actor who played Harry Potter, didn’t fit this role? In my opinion he acted sometimes so ridiculous, especially in the first parts. 

Anya —> Rinat

(1) Why do you think the Harry Potter books are so popular? — Как вы думаете, почему книги о Гарри Поттере так популярны?

Children like stories like this. It’s interesting to read about wizards and magic. Especially when they are around plain people like us. 

(2) What do you know about the author of Harry Potter? — Что вы знаете об авторе Гарри Поттера?

Joanne Rowling is a British writer. On a delayed train from Manchester to London’s King’s Cross station, Rowling came up with the idea for «Harry Potter.» 

(3) Which is better, the Harry Potter books or the movies? — Что лучше, книги о Гарри Поттере или фильмы?

Honestly, I have read only one part of the novel in my childhood and didn’t find it so interesting. But anyway books are always better than movies, I think. 

(4) Have you ever been caught up in Pottermania? — Вы когда-нибудь были вовлечены в Поттерманию?

No, I haven’t. I’ve always supported materialism and real things. Magicians and spells never attracted me. 

(5) Did you buy the Harry Potter books the day they went on sale? — Вы покупали книги о Гарри Поттере в день их поступления в продажу?

I didn’t. But many people did. It’s not a bad thing. If you like a book, you always want to have the next part as soon as possible. 

(6) Who is your favourite Harry Potter character? — Кто ваш любимый персонаж из Гарри Поттера?

I think it’s Hermione Granger. She did a lot to help Harry. I also like Severus Snape. He is a real hero. 

(7) What is the best book? — Какая лучшая книга?

I like “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”. I haven’t read the book, but it’s my favourite part of the movie.

(8) Would you like to study at Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? — Хотели бы вы учиться в школе чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс?

No, I like being a Muggle!

(9) Have you ever bought any Potter merchandise? — Вы когда-нибудь покупали товары Поттера?

No I haven’t. Is it possible to buy some Potter’s stuff? 

(10) British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said, «I think JK Rowling has done more for literacy around the world than any single human being.» What do you think of this? — Премьер-министр Великобритании Гордон Браун сказал: «Я думаю, что Джоан Роулинг сделала для распространения грамотности во всем мире больше, чем любой человек в отдельности». Что ты думаешь об этом?

I think she just wrote a good book for children, which became popular. Not more. 

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