Об одежде (clothes) на английском языке! (Диалог уровня Intermediate)

об одежде на английском

Сегодня мы говорим об одежде (clothes) на английском языке. Уровень диалога Intermediate. Скачать текст к видео можно по ссылке ниже. Аудиоверсия выпуска доступна в наших подкастах на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Подписывайтесь на наш канал, чтобы не пропускать новые видео!

PDF к диалогу: https://enjoyenglish-blog.com/ewr/ewr73.pdf

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Аудиоверсия: http://englishwithrinatpod.ru/podcast/b1-dialog-73-talking-about-clothes/

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Диалог об одежде на английском языке.

(1) Why do we need clothes? — Зачем нам одежда?

It’s unacceptable to be naked in most places. So people need clothes to look appropriate. Also we need clothes to warm and protect our body. 

(2) Why do people spend lots of money on clothes? — Почему люди тратят много денег на одежду?

Nowadays clothes are a part of fashion. People like wearing well known and modern brands of clothes, which are pretty expensive.

(3) Who decides which clothes are fashionable? — Кто решает, какая одежда модная?

Fashion designers and houses. Based on cultural preferences they try to predict what will be fashionable and what will not.

(4) Do you think clothes are a waste of money? — Считаете одежду пустой тратой денег?

No, I don’t think so. People like looking good. Especially girls!

(5) How long does it take you to decide which clothes to wear? — Как долго вы решаете, какую одежду надеть?

It depends on the occasion, but usually I decide it pretty fast.

(6) Is shopping for clothes your favourite kind of shopping? — Покупка одежды — ваш любимый вид шопинга?

Yes it is! It makes me feel happy when I buy some new clothes.

(7) Do you buy clothes magazines? — Вы покупаете журналы об одежде?

I used to buy them. Now magazines are not so popular because of the Internet. I can find everything there.

(8) Do you ever think other people look good in their clothes but you don’t look good in your clothes? — Вы когда-нибудь думали, что другие люди хорошо выглядят в своей одежде, но вы не выглядите хорошо в своей одежде?

Yes I do. It’s not easy sometimes to combine different items of clothes which make you look nice. Some people do it really well!

(9) Were you embarrassed to wear the clothes you wore as a kid? — Вам было стыдно носить одежду, которую вы носили в детстве?

To be honest, I don’t remember. But I think everyone had situations like that when they were kids.

(10) Why are you wearing the clothes you have on now? — Почему ты сейчас в той одежде, в которой ты сейчас?

I think they make me look good. Do I look good? 🙂

Anya —> Rinat

(1) What do clothes tell people about our personalities? — Что одежда говорит людям о нашей личности?

Clothing forms the first impression of people. Sometimes they can tell a lot about a person but it can be very dangerous to judge people based on their clothing.

(2) Do you have clothes in your closet that you’ve never worn? — У вас в шкафу есть одежда, которую вы никогда не надевали?

Yes I do, but not many. I am not a big fan of having a lot of clothes.

(3) Do you ever buy used clothes? — Вы когда-нибудь покупали бывшую в употреблении одежду?

I think I don’t. Last year I bought a pair of used snowboard shoes. They were good and almost new! 🙂

(4) Do you have a favourite clothes shop? — У вас есть любимый магазин одежды?

Yes, of course! I think everyone has a favourite shop. Now most of the shops are online, so it is very convenient. 

(5) What new clothes would you like to buy if you had lots of money? — Какую новую одежду вы бы купили, если бы у вас было много денег?

I don’t know. Maybe a few pairs of sports shoes!

(6) Are men’s clothes or women’s clothes best? — Что лучше мужская одежда или женская?

It’s hard to compare them. They are so different.

(7) Do you always recycle your old clothes or give them to charity? — Вы всегда утилизируете свою старую одежду или отдаете ее на благотворительность?

For the past few years I have been recycling my old clothes. I think it’s much better than throwing it away!

(8) What  clothes do you have on now? — Какая одежда на тебе сейчас?

I have a cap on. I have a red shirt with a T-shirt underneath. I have trousers and socks.

(9) What’s your favourite item of clothing? — Какой твой любимый предмет одежды?

I like wearing t-shirts and sports shoes. Usually I look pretty sporty or casual. I don’t like classic suits or shoes. 

(10) If you were an item of clothing, what would you be and why? — Если бы вы были предметом одежды, то каким и почему?

I have never thought about it! It’s a funny question!

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