О первом человеке в космосе (B1-B2 диалог на английском)

Про Юрия Гагарина на английском

12 апреля стал большим днем ​​в истории космоса. В этот день в 1961 году российский космонавт Юрий Гагарин стал первым человеком, побывавшим в космосе, совершив 108-минутный орбитальный полет на своем космическом корабле.

Это было 60 лет назад. Поэтому сегодня мы решили немного больше поговорить о человеке, о котором мы всегда будем помнить. Скачать текст к диалогу можно по ссылке выше. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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Диалог про Юрия Гагарина на английском языке

(1) How old was Gagarin when he made his flight? — Сколько лет было Гагарину, когда он совершил свой полет?

He was born on March 9 in 1934. So in 1961 he turned 27.

(2) What do you know about him? — Что вы знаете о нем?

He was born in Klushino, Gagarin region, near Smolensk city in western Russia. His parents were soviet workers Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin and Anna Timofeevena Matveeva. They had four children: three boys and one girl. Yuri was the third one. On 27th of October in 1955 he was called into the Soviet Army and sent to Chkalov (Orenburg) in the First Military Aviation School of Pilots (named after Voroshilov). He did very well and graduated in October 1957. After that he was a pilot of a battle-plane. In 1960 he joined a special group of six cosmonauts and started preparing for the first space flight in human history.

(3) Who were those cosmonauts? Let’s call them by names. — Кто были эти космонавты? Назовем их по именам.

It was Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin, German Stepanovich Titov, Andriyan Grigorevich Nikolaev, Pavel Romanovich Popovich, Anatoliy Yakovlevich Kartashov and Valentin Stepanovich Varlamov. The last two ones were later dismissed and changed by Grigory Grigirevich Nelubov and Valery Fedorovich Bikovsky. 

(4) Which one of them were chosen for the flight? — Кто из них был выбран для полета?

After they passed all exams and completed all studying programs, Yuri Gagrin was chosen for the flight. His backup one was German Titov. The third pilot Grigory Nelubov was chosen as a spare one.

(5) When and where did the flight take place? — Когда и где проходил полет?

It took place on April 12 in 1961 at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

(6) What was the name of the spacecraft? — Как назывался космический корабль?

It was “Vostok-I”, constructed by Sergey Pavlovich Korolev.

(7) How long was the flight? — Как долго длился полет?

It was a 108-minute orbital flight. After that he landed successfully near the Engels city. 

(8)      At that time the USSR was competing roughly with the USA. Who was the first American in Space and when it happened? — Кто был первым американцем в космосе и когда это произошло?

The astronaut of Mercury-Rocket Alan Shepard became the first American in space less than a month later Yuri Gagarin.

(9) What happened after the flight? What did Gagarin do? — Что случилось после полета? Что делал Юрий Гагарин?

Right after the flight he was rewarded and raised up to the major. During the first months after his flight he visited a lot of countries and met with many leaders including the Queen of Great Britain Elisaveta II. In total he visited about 30 countries. He was one of the most popular men in the World.

(10) How long has he lived? — Как долго он прожил?

Yuri Gagrin has lived a bright but short life and died tragically at the age of 34. It happened on March 27 in 1968 during his training flight in the Vladimir region. His body was cremated and buried in the Kremlin Wall in Moscow.

Это был небольшой диалог про Юрия Гагарина. Не будем забывать о таких людях, как он. Давайте вспомним те великие дела, которые они сделали для своей страны.

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