О завтраке на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке! (Диалог уровня Intermediate!)

о завтраке на английском

Сегодня мы говорим о завтраке (breakfast) на английском языке. Уровень диалога Intermediate. Скачать текст к видео можно по ссылке ниже. Аудиоверсии наших диалогов доступны в формате подкастов на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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Диалог о завтраке на английском языке

(1) What did you have for breakfast this morning? — Что вы ели на завтрак сегодня утром?

My breakfast is quite simple! Today is not an exception! I had fried eggs, toast with cheese and salmon. And a cup of coffee with almond milk!

(2) Has what you eat for breakfast changed over the years? — Изменилось ли то, что вы едите на завтрак, с годами?

No, it hasn’t! I eat the same food all the time! Sometimes I eat oatmeal with fresh fruits instead of fried eggs!

(3) What do you do while having breakfast? — Что ты делаешь во время завтрака?

I look into the window and try not to use gadgets!

(4) Do you prefer to eat breakfast alone or with other people? — Вы предпочитаете завтракать в одиночестве или с другими людьми?

It doesn’t matter to me! But I usually have breakfast at home so I eat with my husband or alone!

(5) Do you ever eat breakfast in a restaurant or canteen etc.? — Вы когда-нибудь завтракали в ресторане, столовой и т. д.?

Yes I do! When we travel we usually have breakfast in places like this!

(6) What do you think of breakfasts in other countries? — Что вы думаете о завтраках в других странах?

I think breakfasts in other countries are quite the same! Only in Asia it is different I think.

(7) Is the breakfast you usually eat very healthy? — Очень ли здоровый завтрак, который вы обычно едите?

Yes it is! I eat what my body needs!

(8) How often do you skip breakfast or have it on the go? — Как часто вы пропускаете завтрак или едите его в дороге?

I can’t remember a situation like that! I never leave home without having breakfast!

(9) Can you eat “lunch-style food” or “dinner-style food” for breakfast? — Можете ли вы съесть «еду в стиле обеда» или «еду в стиле ужина» на завтрак?

I think I can do it. I am usually very hungry in the morning!

(10) What do you think of breakfasts at hotels? — Что вы думаете о завтраках в отелях?

I like breakfast at hotels! The most pleasant thing is that I don’t have to cook breakfast on my own!

Anya —-> Rinat

(1) Do you always have time to eat what you want for breakfast? — У вас всегда есть время съесть то, что вы хотите на завтрак?

I don’t eat too much in the morning. Only two or three fried eggs with toast and a cup of coffee. So if I don’t miss the alarm clock, I always have time for breakfast. 

(2) How important is having breakfast? — Насколько важен завтрак?

For me it’s important. I’d rather miss supper but never miss breakfast. 

(3) Do you watch television when having breakfast? — Вы смотрите телевизор за завтраком?

No, I don’t do this. Besides, I don’t even have a TV set. I try to enjoy the food and not use gadgets too much. 

(4) Do you make your own breakfast? — Вы сами готовите себе завтрак?

Yes I do. As I said, my usual breakfast is quite simple. So yes I make it on my own.

(5) What is a traditional breakfast in your country? — Какой традиционный завтрак в вашей стране?

Normally it’s pretty healthy. It can be some porridge, omlet, fried eggs with toast and some light dessert. And of course Russians like drinking coffee in the morning.

(6) Must breakfast be eaten in the morning? — Обязательно ли есть завтрак по утрам?

People usually have breakfast when they wake up. We need energy in the morning. So a good breakfast always helps. 

(7) Do you ever eat breakfast at fast food restaurants? — Вы когда-нибудь 

завтракали в фаст фуд?

No, I can’t remember situations like that. I always have breakfast at home.

(8) Do you like having breakfast in bed? — Тебе нравится завтракать в постели?

No, I don’t like having breakfast or other food in bed. Bed is for sleeping. 

(9) What is the origin of the word «breakfast»? — Каково происхождение слова «завтрак»?

The word «breakfast» literally means «to break fast». The word “fast” means the period of time when we don’t eat, so it’s nighttime. And when do we break that fast? In the morning, of course. Breakfast!

(10) Do you prefer a cooked breakfast? — Вы предпочитаете горячий завтрак?

Yes, I do. I don’t like eating cold food in the morning. 

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