О жизни на английском языке (Уровень Intermediate)

о жизни на английском

Сегодня мы говорим о жизни (life) на английском языке. Скачать текст к видео можно по ссылке выше. Подписывайтесь на наши подкасты на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Мы будем рады вашим вопросам в комментариях. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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О жизни на английском языке

(1) What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘life’? — Что приходит на ум, когда вы слышите слово «жизнь»?

I think about my life and recall some bright moments of it.

(2) Do you enjoy life? — Вам нравится жизнь?

Yes I do! We live only once. I think it’s very important to enjoy life and stay positive, despite it’s not easy sometimes.

(3) What life-changing moments have you had in your life? — Какие жизненно важные моменты были в вашей жизни?

I’ve had some life-changing moments indeed. Unfortunately, not all of them were good. It’s quite personal and I don’t want to share it.

(4) Have you led an easy or difficult life? — Вы провели легкую или трудную жизнь?

My life is OK. I can’t complain. I can’t say that it’s difficult.

(5) Do you think there’s life after death? — Как вы думаете, есть ли жизнь после смерти?

I don’t think so. But everything is possible. 

(6) Do you think there’s life on Mars (or on other planets)? — Как вы думаете, есть ли жизнь на Марсе (или на других планетах)?

In our solar system there is no other life. Scientists have studied it pretty well. But I’m sure, there is life on other planets that might be far away from us.

(7) Do you ever feel you have wasted your life? — Вы когда-нибудь чувствовали, что зря потратили свою жизнь?

I’ve never thought about it. I am pretty young. But life flies so quickly. So I am trying not to waste it. 

(8) Would you like to live your same life all over again? — Хотели бы вы снова и  снова проживать свою жизнь?

No I wouldn’t. I would like to live another one. 

(9) What’s your love life like? — Какая у вас личная жизнь?

I am pretty happy with my love life. That’s awesome!

(10) Is life more similar to a pizza or a box of chocolates? — Жизнь больше похожа на пиццу или на коробку конфет?

I think it’s more similar to pizza, because it’s full of different things. And sometimes they are not sweet at all. 

Rinat ——> Anya

(1) What is the meaning of life? — В чем смысл жизни?

It’s a very good and difficult question. I don’t really know. Maybe we live for future generations? What do you think?

(2) What’s your biggest goal in life? — Какая ваша самая большая цель в жизни?

I don’t have any big goals. I would say I have different small ones depending on the period of my life.

(3) Is life complicated? — Жизнь сложна?

I think it is. And it’s getting more difficult when people grow up.

(4) What word would you use to sum up your life? — Каким словом вы бы описали свою жизнь?

I have a plain life like a lot of other people. 

(5) Do you have a good quality of life? — У вас хороший уровень жизни?

I don’t like complaining. I like the quality of my life and I try to make it better.

(6) If life came with an instruction manual, what would it say? — Если бы жизнь пришла с инструкцией по эксплуатации, чтобы в ней говорилось?

Don’t worry, be happy!

(7) Who has been your biggest influence in life? — Кто оказал на вас наибольшее влияние в жизни?

I think my mother has taught me a lot. 

(8) What will life be like fifty years from now? — Какой будет жизнь через пятьдесят лет?

I don’t know. I hope it will be good and people will not destroy each other by that time. 

(9) What does life taste, smell, feel, look and sound like? — На что похожа жизнь на вкус, запах, ощущения, внешний вид и звучание?

It’s too difficult. Life is so different, that I can hardly describe it that way.

(10) If you could live someone else’s life, whose would it be and why? — Если бы вы могли жить чужой жизнью, чья бы это была жизнь и почему?

I don’t know. I would like to live my own life again with all that experience that I have had.

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