Об эволюции на английском языке! (Intermediate English)

Сегодня мы поговорим об эволюции (evolution) на английском языке. Как всегда, вы можете прочитать текст в PDF-файле по ссылке ниже. Аудиоверсию диалога можно прослушать в наших подкастах в iTunes и Yandex Music. Подписывайтесь на наш канал, чтобы не пропускать новые выпуски!

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Об эволюции на английском

Сегодня мы поговорим об эволюции (evolution) на английском языке.

(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘evolution’? — Что приходит на ум, когда вы слышите слово «эволюция»?

I think about changes in nature and our life. Everything we have around us today is a result of evolution.

(2) Do you believe the story of evolution as told in religious books? — Вы верите в историю эволюции, рассказанную в религиозных книгах?

Is it the story about Adam and Eve? I don’t think it’s true, but everything is possible.

(3) How do you think the world got here? — Как вы думаете, как был создан мир?

There is the Big Bang Theory, that describes the beginning of the universe. It’s interesting, but what is more interesting is what was before the Big Bang. That’s the question!

(4) How do you think we got here? — Как вы думаете, как мы сюда попали?

According to Darwin’s Theory we evolved slowly, starting from a tiny form of life and finishing by  becoming a human. 

(5) What do you think we will look like millions of years from now? — Как вы думаете, как мы будем выглядеть через миллионы лет?

It’s a very interesting question. To be honest, I don’t think that people will still exist on our planet in millions of years from now. It’s a huge period of time!

(6) How old is our planet? — Сколько лет нашей планете?

As far as I know our planet is 4.5 billion years old. 

(7) How was the very first life form created and what did it look like? — Как была создана самая первая форма жизни и как выглядела?

It was a microorganism, created by lucky chance! The earliest forms of life lived in the ocean.

(8) Why is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution discarded by so many religions? — Почему теорию эволюции Дарвина отвергают так много религий?

This theory denies the story that we can find in religious books. So it’s obvious that so many religions discard Darwin’s Theory.

(9) Many schools in the USA teach creationism – the idea that God put humans on Earth as we are today. What do you think of this? — Во многих школах США преподают креационизм — идею о том, что Бог поместил людей на Землю такими, какие мы есть сегодня. Что ты думаешь об этом?

We can’t be 100% sure, but it sounds unreal to me. What about you?

(10) Do you think God created everything as it is outlined in the book of Genesis? — Вы думаете, что Бог создал все, как это описано в книге Бытия?

It’s a hard question and quite provoking! 😀 As I said, everything is possible in our world.

 Anya —-> Rinat

(1) What do you understand by the term ‘natural selection’? — Что вы понимаете под термином «естественный отбор»?

It’s a selection of the most efficient and strong forms of life, made by nature. According to that only the most adaptable and strong species survive. 

(2) Do you think Darwin’s theory of evolution is the best? — Как вы думаете, теория эволюции Дарвина самая лучшая?

Yes I do think that Darwin’s theory is the best. At least for now. 

(3) Do you think we descended from the apes?  — Вы думаете, мы произошли от обезьян?

I think it’s true. We look similar and do many things the same way. So I think that we descended from the apes indeed. 

(4) Do you think humans are set apart from the animal kingdom? — Как вы думаете, люди отделены от животного царства?

No, I don’t think so. We are not set apart from animals. We are animals as well, but just more intelligent and cruel sometimes. People can do terrible things sometimes that even animals would never do. That’s crazy!

(5) Many followers of the ‘Intelligent Design’ theory say we were created by an intelligent designer. What do you think?Многие последователи теории «разумного замысла» говорят, что мы были созданы разумным творцом. Что вы думаете об этом?

It sounds interesting and we can’t deny this theory. Everything is possible. Who knows, maybe one day our intelligent designers will come and tell us everything.

(6) What do you think of the ‘survival of the fittest’ theory? — Что вы думаете о теории «выживания сильнейшего»?

It makes sense. I am not sure that it works in 100% of cases, but in general it’s pretty logical.

(7) Do you think evolution is a random process? — Как вы думаете, эволюция — это случайный процесс?

There is nothing random in nature. So no, I don’t think evolution is a random process.

(8) How long ago did human become human and what made us human? — Как давно человек стал человеком, и что сделало нас людьми?

The first humans emerged in Africa around two million years ago. “What made us human?” is a good question. We evolved and in a long period of time became who we are now. Or maybe some aliens made us!

(9) Can you watch evolution happening? — Вы можете наблюдать за эволюцией?

It’s a very slow process. And our life is just a short period of it. So I don’t think we can watch evolution happening.

(10) How can we know what happened millions of years ago? — Как мы можем узнать, что произошло миллионы лет назад?

Scientists carry out excavations and find out new things about our past. They also study old stones and ices that contain a lot of information about the evolution of our planet. It’s really interesting!

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