Перевод и употребление What’s it like в английском | Уровень Intermediate

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Мы используем вопрос What is it like? — «На что это похоже?/Каково это?», чтобы узнать подробности, которые помогут нам лучше понять кого-то или что-то. Обычно человек, задающий вопрос, не имеет информации по данной теме и хочет узнать о ней больше.

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Перевод и употребление What’s it like в английском

(1) What’s it like being you? — Каково быть вами?

I think it’s not too bad! I am pretty and smart! 😁

(2) What’s it like in your idea of paradise? — Каково ваше представление о рае?

Paradise is a perfect peaceful place with beautiful nature and good people around!

(3) What’s it like being your age? — Каково это быть в твоем возрасте?

It’s like being 32 years old! I never complain about my age. I think it’s important to value each stage of our life!

(4) What’s it like living in the 21st Century? — Каково это жить в 21 веке?

It is defined as the era we are in now, a time of freedom and technological advancement. We are in the 21st century and the first ones to experience a whole new digital world.

(5) What’s it like studying English? — Каково это изучать английский язык?

It’s not easy, but absolutely necessary for everyone. English is an international language and it’s so important to learn it!

(6) What’s it like sitting here and doing this activity with me? — Каково это сидеть здесь и записывать ролик со мной?

It’s awesome! I like making new content for our YouTube channel and helping people to learn English! At least a little bit. 

(7) What’s it like outside? — Как там на улице?

It’s sunny and warm outside. I like the Summer so much! 

(8) What’s it like to be your best friend? — Каково быть твоим лучшим другом?

It’s better to ask my friends about it, but I think it’s not bad.

(9) What’s it like to be a citizen of your country? — Каково быть гражданином твоей страны?

There are a lot of good things in Russia. At the same time there are a lot of problems that affect our life a lot. Nevertheless, I like my country and  like living here!

(10) What’s it like to be at your level of English? — Каково это — быть на вашем уровне владения английским языком?

My level is Upper Intermediate or something like that. I can discuss different topics  in English and I understand people pretty well. I think it’s a good level for most people.   

Anya —> Rinat

(1) What’s it like in your secret world inside your head? — Каков он — тайный мир в вашей головы?

It’s like having secrets. I think everyone has some secret thoughts and opinions and doesn’t want to share it with others.

(2) What’s it like to be intelligent and talented? — Каково быть умным и талантливым?

It’s not bad of course. Intelligent and talented people usually succeed more. Especially if they’re lucky enough. 

(3) What’s it like having the friends and family you have? — Каково это иметь друзей и семью, как у вас?

It’s wonderful! I have good friends and family. 

(4) What’s it like in your house for a special occasion? — Как в вашем доме проходит особый праздник?

It depends on the occasion. I usually invite my closest friends and family and we celebrate the occasion together. Sometimes we like going somewhere. Especially in Summer.

(5) What’s it like to be lucky? — Каково быть удачливым?

It’s good to be lucky! Life is not easy sometimes and it’s important to have some luck.

(6) What’s it like to dream? — Каково это мечтать?

It’s a good thing, but it’s more important to work and do your best to make your dreams come true!

(7) What’s it like to be a man/woman today? — Каково быть мужчиной / женщиной сегодня?

To be a man or woman in today’s society means being open with oneself and other people. It means being intelligent and doing something useful not only for yourself but also for the world.

(8) What’s it like living on the money you have? — Каково жить на те деньги, которые у тебя есть?

It’s ok. I am not rich, but I earn enough money and never complain about it! 

(9) What’s it like in the world you’d like to live in? — Каково это в мире, в котором вы хотели бы жить?

It’s like living in a world without wars and grief. I wish we had a world like that, but I understand that it’s impossible. Maybe our children will make a better world one day!

(10) What’s it like living in your town? — Каково жить в вашем городе?

I live not far from Moscow and spend a lot of time there. It’s a good city!

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