Разговор о транспорте на английском языке | Английский для начинающих и Intermediate

Сегодня мы говорим о транспорте (transportation) на английском языке. Текст к диалогу доступен в формате PDF по ссылке ниже. Прослушать аудиоверсию выпуска можно в наших подкастах на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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Как говорить о транспорте на английском

(1) What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘transportation’? — Что приходит на ум, когда вы слышите слово «транспорт»?

I think about public transport and about how convenient it is. I use public transport a lot!

(2) What’s your favourite transport or a method of transportation? — Какой твой любимый транспорт или способ передвижения?

My favourite transport is airplanes and trains. I think they are fast and the most convenient nowadays.

(3) What transportation problems are there in your country? — Какие транспортные проблемы существуют в вашей стране?

There are still a lot of regions with bad roads. Each year they are getting better, but anyway. This is a big problem in our country.

(4) What will the transportation of the future be like? — Каким будет транспорт будущего?

I think it will be a lot faster and more reliable. Who knows, maybe we will be able to travel to other planets one day!

(5) What would life be like if all public transport in your country stopped? — Какой была бы жизнь, если бы весь общественный транспорт в вашей стране остановился?

It would be terrible. I can’t imagine my life without public transport. Especially without the subway. I use it a lot and I think it’s the best public transport ever invented!

(6) Are you happy with transport services in your country? — Довольны ли вы транспортными услугами в вашей стране?

Yes I am! There are a lot of options like trains, buses, taxis and so on. The Internet makes transport services more and more convenient. It’s so nice!

(7) What do you think of the transportation in other countries? — Что вы думаете о транспорте в других странах?

I think that they are pretty much similar in all countries around the world. Europe is a leader in this field I think. They have excellent transport and perfect roads.

(8) How many different kinds of transportation have you been on? — На скольких видах транспорта вы ездили?

I think I’ve been on all kinds of transportation like cars, trains, airplanes and boats. We used to travel a lot!

(9) Is the quality of transportation in your country getting better or worse? — Улучшается или ухудшается качество транспорта в вашей стране?

It’s definitely getting better. But at the same time it’s getting more expensive every year. I think we can do nothing about it.

(10) What was transportation like when you were a kid? — Каким был транспорт, когда вы были ребенком?

It was less comfortable and much slower. Technologies have developed a lot since I was a kid. 

Anya —> Rinat

(1) If life is a highway, what kind of transport are you using? — Если жизнь — это шоссе, то каким видом транспорта вы пользуетесь?

It’s a philosophical question. I think that the older we become, the faster our life goes. So I would compare my transport with a high speed train now.

(2) What do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation and why? — Как вы думаете, какой вид транспорта самый опасный и почему?

It’s definitely a motorcycle. Two wheels are less reliable than four. Motorcycles usually go much faster and drivers are not protected well. 

(3) Which transportation do you prefer – air, sea or road? — Какой транспорт вы предпочитаете – воздушный, морской или автомобильный?

If I need to go some far away, I prefer an airplane of course. As for some close destinations, I like going by car.

(4) Is public transport expensive in your country? — Дорогой ли общественный транспорт в вашей стране?

I can’t say that it’s expensive in Russia. I like public transport, especially trains. It’s so convenient.

(5) What form of transport is the worst for the environment? — Какой вид транспорта наносит вред окружающей среде?

I think it’s cars. This is the most popular form of transport and there are so many cars in the world. They pollute the air a lot. 

(6) What kind of transport would you like someone to invent? — Какой вид транспорта вы бы хотели, чтобы кто-нибудь изобрел?

I would like someone to invent a flying car like in movies. It would make life much easier, because we would get rid of traffic jams!

(7) How has international transportation changed in the past few decades? — Как изменились международные перевозки за последние несколько десятилетий?

It has changed dramatically. Technologies became better. There are a lot of online services nowadays that make it more convenient. Transportation became more comfortable. That’s for sure! 

(8) What are the transportation needs of your country? — Каковы транспортные потребности вашей страны?

Now we need more airplanes produced in our country. Because of sanctions, there might be a lack of airplanes in the future. Boing doesn’t supply airplanes to Russia anymore. 

(9) Do you think we are spoiled for choice with all the different transportation options? — Как вы думаете, мы избалованы выбором со всеми различными вариантами транспорта?

No, I don’t think so. I think it’s good when people have a chance to choose from different variants. Especially when it comes to transportation.  

(10) What do you think will be the next big breakthrough in transportation? — Как вы думаете, что станет следующим большим прорывом в области транспорта?

It’s a good question. I think that high speed trains will be developing more and more across the globe. Elon Musk works actively on his Hyperloop project. This can act as a complete revolution in the transportation industry.

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