Собеседование на английском | Вопросы и ответы для практики | Intermediate English (Job Interview)

Вопросы на собеседовании. Какие они? Сегодня мы практикуем job interview questions на английском языке. Аудиоверсия выпуска доступна в наших подкастах на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Текст к видео доступен в формате PDF по ссылке выше. Подписывайтесь на наш канал и делитесь с друзьями!

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Job interview questions

(1) Why would you be good at this job? — Почему вы будете хороши в этой работе?

This job is similar to my previous one. I’m an experienced and self-motivated person. I like the responsibilities that you have described!

(2) What do you know about this job? — Что вы знаете об этой работе?

I read a lot about it on your website. It’s quite challenging, but I am not afraid of difficulties! Could you please tell me more about this position?

(3) What skills do you have for this job? — Какими навыками вы обладаете для этой работы?

I am attentive and patient. I like interesting tasks and enjoy working with other people. 

(4) What are your strengths and weaknesses? — Каковы ваши сильные и слабые стороны?

I am responsible, creative and disciplined. Sometimes I am too detail oriented and can do something quite long. I think it’s my weakness.  

(5) What qualifications do you have for this job? — Какую квалификацию вы имеете для этой работы?

I am qualified for this position because I have the skills you need and the experience to back it up.

(6) How well does your personality fit this job? — Насколько ваша личность соответствует этой работе?

I think that my personality fits this job. I am a positive and organized person. Sometimes I like taking risks, which is absolutely necessary for this position! 

(7) Why are you applying for this job? — Почему вы претендуете на эту работу?

I see the role as a way of developing my career in a forward-thinking company as yours.

(8) What do you want to learn from this job? — Чему вы хотите научиться на этой работе?

I would like to get better at project management, strategic thinking and marketing.

(9) Are you a good team player? — Хороши ли вы в команде?

Absolutely!  I’m extremely comfortable working in a team environment!

(10) Do you get on well with other people? — Хорошо ли вы ладите с другими людьми?

Yes I do! I’ve never had any social problems with other people. I know how to listen to others and understand different points of view. I like being honest and polite with others!

Anya —> Rinat

(1) What do you do in stressful situations? — Что вы делаете в стрессовых ситуациях?

I try to keep calm and not to quarrel with people. It’s important to hear each other and focus on solving a problem. 

(2) What things about this job are difficult? — Что в этой работе является сложным?

This job requires a lot of communication with other people, which is always quite difficult. But that’s what I was looking for. I really enjoy working with people. 

(3) Where do you see yourself in five years? — Где вы видите себя через пять лет?

It’s a hard question. I have ambitions to build a good career. If you give me a chance I would love to keep developing your company’s proposals together with my colleagues. 

(4) Is there anything you want to ask me? — Вы хотите меня о чем-то спросить?

Do you have any problems with paying salaries? Some delays, backpays or something like that? It’s important for me.

(5) Have you had problems working with a manager? — Были ли у вас проблемы в работе с руководителем?

No, I haven’t. Usually I don’t have any problems with managers. As I said I have a huge experience of working with different kinds of people.

(6) What are your goals for the future? — Каковы ваши цели на будущее?

I would like to have a stable, interesting and well paid job. My main goal is to become a part of your team you can always rely on. 

(7) What do you know about this company? — Что вы знаете об этой компании?

It’s a well known company. I didn’t find any negative feedback from former employees or something like that. You provide good service and I hope I can make it better!

(8) How much do you want this job? — Насколько сильно вы хотите получить эту работу?

I would like to get this job a lot, because I feel that it’s something I was always looking for. 

(9) Why did you quit your last job? — Почему вы уволились с последней работы?

I have worked there only for a few months and was laid off right when the crisis began. I was upset, but I believe that it’s a new opportunity and that I can find a better job.

(10) What can you contribute to this company? — Какой вклад вы можете внести в эту компанию?

I have some ideas about how you can make your online services more convenient and useful. I would love to get started as soon as possible!

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