О любви на английском языке (B1-B2 диалог)

О любви на английском языке

В этом выпуске мы говорим о любви (love) на английском языке. Уровень диалога В1-В2. Текст в формате PDF доступен по ссылке в описании. Мы будем рады вашим лайкам и комментариям. Подписывайтесь на наш канал!

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О любви на английском языке (B1-B2 диалог)

(1) What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘love’? — Какие образы приходят в голову, когда вы слышите слово «любовь»?

I imagine two people in love. How they value and support each other. How they make a family and tell their children, how important it is to find someone who would share with you the rest of your life.

(2) How important is love? — На сколько важна любовь?

People can’t live separately. We all need somebody. So love is very important. 

(3) Do you think it is possible to love everyone? — Как вы думаете, возможно ли любить каждого?

No, it’s not possible. Moreover, it’s quite difficult to find the right person.

(4) How do people fall in love? — Как люди влюбляются?

It’s a good question. At first people like each other and spend much time together. Then comes something more serious and they understand they are in love.

(5) How and why do people fall out of love? — Как и почему люди разлюбливают?

It can be different for every couple. Some people just understand they don’t love each other. Others might have some difficult circumstances, which don’t let them be together anymore. So it’s different for everyone.

(6) What is your favourite love song and why? — Какая твоя любимая песня о любви и почему?

I love the song Sacrifice by Elton John. It’s such a touching story told in the song. And he sings so well. I like it.

(7) How does love make you feel? — Как любовь заставляет вас себя чувствовать?

It’s a nice feeling making people do the most crazy things for another person. It’s like magic, I can’t really explain it. 

(8) Does love last forever? — Любовь длится вечно?

That’s a very good question. I’ve thought about it many times, and I still can’t find the answer. I don’t know really.

(9) What does love look like? — Как выглядит любовь?

It looks like a good drug I’d say. Love is a good thing.

(10) Has love changed over the past 10,000 years? — Изменилась ли любовь за последние 10 000 лет?

Generally it hasn’t changed. The world changed a lot. Love did not. 

Rinat ——> Anya

(1) What is love? — Что такое любовь?

Love is madness. And people need this madness a lot.  

(2) What would your life be like without love? — Какой была бы ваша жизнь без любви?

I think it would be worse. I can’t imagine my life without love.

(3) What does it feel like to say, “I love you”? — Что значит сказать: «Я люблю тебя»?

It feels like a huge responsibility. It’s not the empty words. At least for me.

(4) Do you love to live or live to love? — Вы любите жить или живете, чтобы любить?

I love to live and I live to love!

(5) What kind of love is the best love? — Какая любовь самая лучшая?

I think a mother’s love is the best one. 

(6) Is there a thin line between love and hate? — От любви до ненависти один шаг?

Yes there is. It’s wise words and it’s really how it is. 

(7) Do you love yourself? Should you do so? — Вы любите себя? Следует ли любить себя?

Yes I do. I think it’s very important to love yourself, but you shouldn’t be arrogant. You should respect others as well. 

(8) What is the difference between love and being in love? — В чем разница между любовью и влюбленностью?

Being in love doesn’t mean to love someone. It takes some time to realise that you truly love someone.  

(9) Is it more important to love or be loved? — Что важнее — любить или быть любимым?

Both are important. And it should be a feeling that goes both ways. 

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