Говорим о машинах (cars) на английском языке! | Уровень Intermediate

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О машина на английском

(1) Are you into cars? — Вы увлекаетесь автомобилями?

No I am not. Girls are usually not that interested in cars in comparison with men.

(2) Do you think cars are good value for money? — Считаете ли вы, что автомобили — это хорошее соотношение цены и качества?

It used to be good value for money a long time ago. Now cars are too expensive.

(3) Do you think the world would be a better place without cars? — Как вы думаете, был бы мир лучше без автомобилей?

I don’t think so. Cars are one of the most important inventions in the world.

(4) Have you ever been in a car accident? — Вы когда-нибудь попадали в автомобильную аварию?

God no! I hope I will never be in a car accident.

(5) How different do you think cars of the future will be? — Как вы думаете, насколько разными будут автомобили будущего?

They will be more efficient and more expensive. That’s for sure.

(6) Should governments restrict engine sizes to protect the environment? — Должны ли правительства ограничивать размеры двигателей для защиты окружающей среды?

It makes sense. I think they should do it. Especially in big cities.

(7) What do you think of drivers who decorate their cars with soft toys? — Что вы думаете о водителях, которые украшают свои автомобили мягкими игрушками?

I think it’s not bad. Some drivers like to decorate their cars with different kinds of things. Not only with soft toys.

(8) Which country produces the best cars? — Какая страна производит лучшие автомобили?

I think it’s Germany and Japan. Chinese cars are also getting better and better nowadays.

(9) Do you like sitting in a car, either as a driver or a passenger? — Любите ли вы сидеть в машине — в качестве водителя или пассажира?

I am not an experienced driver yet. So I prefer being a passenger.

(10) Why do so many people care so much about their cars? — Почему так много людей так заботятся о своих автомобилях?

Cars represent their owners. People see power and freedom and adventure in their vehicles. Men develop personal relationships with their cars because they perceive their car as an extension of themselves. 

Anya —> Rinat

(1) What’s your favourite car? — Какой ваш любимый автомобиль?

I like my Kia Rio. For me it’s the best!

(2) Do you need a car? — Нужен ли вам автомобиль?

Yes I do. Having a car means being independent in transportation. I live out of Moscow and using public transport is not that convenient here. So the car makes my transportation much easier.

(3) Do people need cars that go way above national speed limits? — Нужны ли людям автомобили, которые превышают национальные ограничения скорости?

It depends on the person. Some people like driving fast even though it’s not safe. I don’t understand it.

(4) Have you seen the Pixar/Disney movie Cars? — Вы смотрели фильм «Тачки» компании Pixar/Disney?

Yeah! It’s a good one! Funny and kind!

(5) If you were a car, what car would you like to be? — Если бы вы были машиной, какой машиной вы бы хотели быть?

Kia Rio! 😀

(6) What features and functions of a car do you need most? — Какие характеристики и функции автомобиля вам нужны больше всего?

Russia is a cold country. So I like all these warming features in my car the most.

(7) Do you prefer driving gas guzzlers or fuel efficient cars? — Вы предпочитаете водить пожиратели бензина или экономичные автомобили?

I prefer driving fuel efficient cars. Gas guzzlers are definitely not for me.

(8) Do you think it is fair to call a car a dangerous weapon? — Как вы считаете, справедливо ли называть автомобиль опасным оружием?

Pretty much depends on the drivers. If a driver is stupid, his car can be a dangerous weapon. That’s for sure.

(9) Do you think the car a person drives is an extension of his/her personality? — Считаете ли вы, что автомобиль, на котором ездит человек, является продолжением его личности?

Yes I do. But I think there should always be common sense. Car is only a vehicle after all. Not more.

(10) Where do cars rank in the list of most important inventions? — Какое место занимают автомобили в списке самых важных изобретений?

As you said before, cars are one of the most important inventions ever. I totally agree!

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