Говорим о здоровье на английском языке!

Сегодня мы говорим о здоровье (health) на английском языке. Уровень английского — Intermediate. Видео также подойдет для всех, кто начинает изучать английский язык. Текст к видео доступен в формате PDF по ссылке выше. Аудиоверсия выпуска доступна в наших подкастах на Яндекс Музыка и Apple Podcasts. Подписывайтесь на наш канал, чтобы не пропускать новые видео!


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Аудиоверсия: http://englishwithrinatpod.ru/podcast/b1-dialog-79-talking-about-health/

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  5. Время от времени возвращайтесь к видео и повторяйте упражнение.

О здоровье на английском языке

(1) How is your health? — Как твое здоровье?

My health is good. Thanks for wondering! What about yours?

(2) Do you do anything to stay healthy? — Делаете ли вы что-нибудь, чтобы оставаться здоровым?

I try to live a healthy lifestyle. I don’t have bad habits and try to eat good food. I do yoga and like spending time outside!

(3) Do you worry about the health of those around you? — Вы беспокоитесь о здоровье окружающих?

First of all I worry about the health of my family and closest people.  

(4) Do you ever worry about your own mental health? — Вы когда-нибудь беспокоились о собственном психическом здоровье?

Sometimes I do. Mental health is also important as well as the physical one. I don’t like getting nervous. I try to keep calm in any situation!

(5) Is health the most important for you? — Здоровье для вас важнее всего?

Absolutely! There is nothing more important than health. 

(6) Are you always a picture of health when you wake up in the morning? — Вы всегда образец здоровья, когда просыпаетесь утром?

I hope I am! Especially when I sleep well and long enough! 

(7) What are the health risks associated with your lifestyle and environment? — Какие риски для здоровья связаны с вашим образом жизни и окружающей средой?

I live not so far from Moscow. The air is not very clean here. It affects my health of course. Also the Corona virus is still pretty strong. I think it’s the main health risks associated with my lifestyle.

(8) Is our health dependent a lot on the health of our parents and grandparents? — Наше здоровье во многом зависит от здоровья наших родителей, бабушек и дедушек?

Genetically we are dependent on our parents. That’s for sure! But anyway our lifestyle and environment play a big role. 

(9) What is the WHO and what does it do? — Что такое ВОЗ и чем она занимается?

WHO is the World Health Organisation. They work worldwide to promote health and keep the world safe.

(10) What can we do to improve our health? — Что мы можем сделать, чтобы улучшить свое здоровье?

Be active, keep calm and eat well!

Anya —> Rinat

(1) Do you worry about your health? — Вы беспокоитесь о своем здоровье?

Yes I do. I think everyone worries about health!

(2) How often do you get sick? — Как часто вы болеете?

Not often. Maybe once or twice per year. The worst periods are the early autumn and spring. It’s the time when people get sick the most.

(3) Do you read magazines or newspaper articles about health? — Читаете ли вы журналы или газетные статьи о здоровье?

No I don’t. Magazines and newspapers are not so popular nowadays. All I need I can find on the Internet!

(4) What things do you do that might damage your health? — Что вы делаете, что может повредить вашему здоровью?

I don’t know. I think everything might damage our health somehow. You never know what can happen. It’s life.

(5) How often do you have a health check? — Как часто вы проходите медосмотр?

As a rule, I have a health check every year. I think it’s important to check your health from time to time.

(6) Have you ever been at the hospital? — Вы когда-нибудь попадали в больницу?

Once I injured my leg and got to hospital for surgery. It was the worst time in my life. I hope I will never experience that again.

(7) Where do you go to get information on health? — Куда обращаться за информацией о здоровье?

It’s better to consult with a doctor or someone who knows more than you. Never try to heal yourself on your own. Especially if you have some serious problems with health.

(8) Do you know someone who never gets sick? — Вы знаете кого-то, кто никогда не болеет?

No, I don’t know such people. I think it’s not good not to get sick at all. It makes our immunity stronger. 

(9) What is the most dangerous job for our health? — Какая работа самая опасная для нашего здоровья?

There are a lot of dangerous jobs. I would say being a miner is the most dangerous one.

(10) How is the health of your computer / the economy / the planet? — Как здоровье вашего компьютера/экономики/планеты?

The health of my computer is good. The Russian economy is not healthy! 🙂 The health of the planet is getting worse! 

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