Сегодня мы говорим про сны (dreams) на английском языке. Уровень диалога Intermediate. Аудиоверсия выпуска доступна в наших подкастах по ссылке выше. Подписывайтесь на наш канал, если не хотите пропускать новые уроки.
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Аудиоверсия: http://englishwithrinatpod.ru/podcast/b1-dialog-105-talking-about-dreams/
Про сны (dreams) на английском языке
(1) How often do you dream? — Вам часто снятся сны?
Pretty often. As a rule I dream each night. What about you?
(2) Do you remember your dreams? — Вы помните свои сны?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It depends on dreams.
(3) Do you dream in English? — Видите ли вы сны на английском языке?
I can’t remember any dreams in English. I usually dream in Russian.
(4) Do you like having dreams? — Вам нравится видеть сны?
If it’s a good dream, I like it ofcourse. I don’t like having nightmares.
(5) Do you believe dreams have a special meaning? — Верите ли вы, что сны имеют особое значение?
It’s a good question. I believe that dreams have a special meaning only when they are good. When I see a bad dream I prefer not to think about it.
(6) Do you have the same dreams again and again? — Видите ли вы одни и те же сны снова и снова?
I used to have the same dreams every night, but it was a long time ago.
(7) Has something you’ve dreamt about ever come true? — Сбывалось ли когда-нибудь то, что вы видели во сне?
Yes it has. I think everybody has had dreams that eventually came true. It happens pretty often.
(8) Have you ever been woken up by a nightmare? — Вы когда-нибудь просыпались от кошмара?
Yes, of course. I hate having nightmares and screaming in my sleep. I wish I never had nightmares again.
(9) What kinds of people do you meet in your dreams? — Каких людей вы встречаете в своих снах?
I meet different kinds of people in my dreams. Sometimes I meet my relatives that passed away a long time ago.
(10) Do you tell other people about the dreams you have? — Рассказываете ли вы другим людям о своих снах?
Yeah. Especially when I have a bad dream. It’s better telling someone about it.
Anya —> Rinat
(1) Do you talk in your sleep when you dream? — Вы разговариваете во сне, когда видите сны?
Sometimes. When I worry about something I can talk in my sleep.
(2) Have you ever woken up and believed you’re still in your dream? — Вы когда-нибудь просыпались и верили, что все еще находитесь в своем сне?
Yes I have! It’s interesting and quite scary. There is a good movie with Leo Decaprio about things like that. It’s called Inception (Начало).
(3) Do you think animals dream? — Как вы думаете, снятся ли животным сны?
Absolutely. I see our cat dreaming pretty often. She is moving and making different sounds.
(4) Does having a dream affect the way you feel when you wake up? — Влияет ли сон на то, как вы себя чувствуете, когда просыпаетесь?
Yes it does. When I have bad dreams, I am not feeling well when I wake up.
(5) Do you think dreams can be explained scientifically? — Считаете ли вы, что сны можно объяснить с научной точки зрения?
It’s about how our brain works. I think that dreams can be explained scientifically. That’s for sure.
(6) Would you like to stop having dreams or have more dreams? — Хотели бы вы перестать видеть сны или иметь больше снов?
Having dreams is a normal thing. I don’t want to change anything. I want to have as many dreams as I should.
(7) Do you have the same dreams you had when you were a child? — Видите ли вы те же сны, что и в детстве?
I don’t think so. I can’t remember any dreams I had when I was a child.
(8) Do you ever want to live in the world of your dreams? — Хотите ли вы когда-нибудь жить в мире своих снов?
No, I’ve never thought about it. I want to live here in the real world.
(9) Why do you think some people remember their dreams and others don’t? — Как вы думаете, почему одни люди помнят свои сны, а другие нет?
We all are different. Some people can do things that others can’t do. It works the same way with our dreams.